miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

Saco de arena


sand bag


The adidas sandbag enables you to add rotation and resistance to your workouts. The sandbag encourages core muscle activation (reactions) when held by any of its five grab handles which enable you to push, pull and even throw the bag to engage multiple muscle groups in every repetition


Strength training has been revolutionised in the last decade with the realisation that only ever working in straight lines is less than an optimal way of training. The sand bag can double as a kettle bell, barbell or dumbbell for fast dynamic and challenging moves such as swings and cross chops.


I like it that the bag is tactile, that doesn't mean I?m going soft but it means the bag is. Hug it, grab it, throw it from shoulder to shoulder....just rip up the rule book and get moving.


key challenges were to ensure that the sand bag gives a feeling of being unstable but doesn?t become ?sloppy? ? to achieve this we have packed the filling inside a double skin liner. Also to allow the user to perform both single and two handed moves we engineered into our design five grab handles.

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